Manual test for the POP3 connection

This post will explain the procedure for manual testing of the e-mail receiving process. This procedure is useful for system administrators or programmers to narrow down problems in an operation of their e-mail server.

We can reproduce entire POP3 e-mail exchange process with manual typing of all commands. We can use this procedure when we need to test proper work between an e-mail server and an e-mail client.

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A Trojan virus in fake e-mail message

During past few weeks I had lot of calls from the users related to increased number of the spam e-mails with a virus in the attachment. That virus is in the form of a JScript executable file inside a zip archive file.

Name of that archive file, and also an executable file, is often something like Document, Scan document, Invoice or Refund. Any of those names can have some numbers in the name. On first look they are legitimate documents. However, if you believe that those files are a legitimate documents and try to open them, you will execute a Trojan virus. That virus often open a backdoor on your computer and preparing download of other malicious code.

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